
Bronx Justice News is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit news organization that covers local justice news without fear or favor. We are unbought and unbiased, unaffiliated with any political party, agency, or company. And we guard our editorial independence fiercely.

Who Can Donate?

All readers are encouraged to donate in support of our mission. However, we do not accept donations from any of the agencies or public figures we cover, nor any of their immediate relatives or employees. Any donation that appears to create a conflict of interest will be returned to the donor.

How Can I Suggest a Story?

Have a story you want covered? Tell us about it at [email protected].

Want to write for us? Send story pitches that include a brief synopsis of your idea, and a short bio, to [email protected]. We are especially interested in articles by people who have been incarcerated, as well as criminal justice professionals.

How Do I Submit a Correction?

We correct all inaccuracies swiftly. To report a fact error, contact us at [email protected].