Bronx District Attorney to End Marijuana Prosecutions in Single-Charge Cases

February 27, 2019 Kevin Deutsch 1

Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark has instructed her office to decline prosecutions of marijuana arrests when a defendant faces only a marijuana charge, according to a statement provided to the city council. In the fourth quarter of 2018 alone, around 90 percent of people arrested for marijuana possession in the Bronx were either Black or Hispanic, the DA said.

FBI: Three DNA Labs Reported CODIS Software Glitch; Inaccurate Genetic Information Displayed Due to “Synchronization Issue”

February 26, 2019 Kevin Deutsch 0

The FBI says a software update to its national DNA database caused incorrect genetic information to display at a handful of local crime labs, but that no offenders were misidentified as a result. Three crime labs in the United States told the FBI they were impacted by the CODIS software glitch, which caused incorrect genetic profile information to be displayed.

Bronx Backlog Nightmare: Seven Years After Their Arrests, Two Jailed Men Are Still Awaiting Trial

February 24, 2019 Kevin Deutsch 0

Two men accused in a 2012 murder have spent nearly seven years on Rikers Island and other pre-trial detention facilities–their incarceration a striking example of the case backlog plaguing the Bronx judicial system. Craig Whitefield, 44, and Alonzo Johnson, 41, are accused of killing Jose Andujar and robbing Angel Mangual at the Edenwald Houses, the Bronx’s largest public housing project, in April 2012.