By Sasha Gonzales
[email protected]
City Councilman Rory Lancman on Wednesday introduced legislation that would require the NYPD to publish case clearance rates for individual precincts—a change that would dramatically increase the amount of information available to Bronx residents.
Lancman, who chairs the council’s Committee on the Justice System, said the bill would mandate the NYPD’s submission of quarterly reports on the clearance rates of index crimes broken down by precinct.
The department would also be required to continually update previous clearance reports to reflect new arrests.
“The public should know specifically which precincts are succeeding and which are struggling to solve major crimes,” Lancman said. “However, the clearance rate data the NYPD is currently providing is not detailed enough to identify areas that are having problems closing cases. My legislation would require the NYPD to report clearance rate data at the precinct-level, instead of just by borough, which would give the City a greater understanding of which precincts need assistance or additional resources.”
The Council passed legislation in 2017 that requires the NYPD to publish quarterly reports containing clearance rates for index crimes in each borough. Lancman’s legislation goes further by requiring the publication of precinct-by-precinct data.
Kevin Deutsch contributed reporting.