Otis Bantum Correctional Center to Close on Rikers Island
The prisoners held at OBC will be transferred to the island’s other facilities, which are being phased out in advance of their replacement by smaller borough jails, yet to be constructed.
The prisoners held at OBC will be transferred to the island’s other facilities, which are being phased out in advance of their replacement by smaller borough jails, yet to be constructed.
A Department of Correction investigator died from the coronavirus Sunday, officials said, fueling concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19 in New York City’s correction system.
The city worker, whose identity was not made public, works in the department’s Investigation Division at DOC headquarters in East Elmhurst.
Eight months after the de Blasio administration missed a deadline for launching a 24-hour cash bail window in the Bronx Criminal Courthouse, the long-awaited payment center is finally open, Bronx Justice News has learned.
Councilman Keith Powers on Monday called for the limiting or removal of deposit surcharges imposed on prisoners’ families in New York City.
Documents obtained by Bronx Justice News show money transfer companies are earning millions in surcharge fees from families of incarcerated New Yorkers, their profits boosted by a workaround of state laws meant to limit exorbitant fees.
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